Saturday, July 20, 2013

Analyse Android memory leak using eclipse MAT tool

Mat tool download:

Android SDK download (it includes eclipse for Android):

1. Create Android project with below code in MainActivity

package com.example.memoryleaktest;
import android.os.Bundle;

public class MainActivity extends Activity {

static Leaky leak = null;

class Leaky {



public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
if (leak == null) {
leak = new Leaky();

1. Code with leak

2. Run app

Run App in debug mode and switch to DDMS view from right top of window.

If you could not find Devices page then you can get it from menu options Windows -> Show view -> Others -> Android

Click on Run Heap option
Update Heap

3. Run heap analyser

After clicking on Update Heap icon then click on Cause GC icon to get memory allocation result

**Note: if you cant find any view then please goto Windows -> Show view -> Others -> Android and enable views you are looking for

Run GC

4. Dump HPROF File

Dump HPROF File by clicking on highlighted icon and wait for few seconds to generate analysis page

Dump HPROF File

5. Run Histogram  

Clicking on the highlighted icon will generate Histogram view which contains number of objects created for that particular class. 

Click on Shallow Heap title bar to make it order by higher objects on top


6. Find incoming References

Right click on the byte[] -> Lists Objects -> with incoming references 

Incoming Reference

7. Query Class to find leaks in that particular class 

We can write a simple sql like query to show leaks only related to a particular class.
In our case we have wrote below query

select * from com.example.memoryleaktest.MainActivity

Object Query Language

8. Path to GC Root 

Click on exclamation (!) mark or F5 to run the query
Right click on the result showing and goto Path to GC Roots -> Exclude weak references

Path to GC root

 9.  Find memory leak Object

Now you can find leak object is showing up in the page which is causing the memory leak.
Shallow heap is the actual size of the object allocated and Retained Heap is the size caused by total references with that object

Find memory leak object

You can also try the same analysis by removing static keyword from the code which is a perfect non leak code

static Leaky leak = null;

Leaky leak = null;

In this case leak object wont be showing up in the analysis

For references please read below doc:

1 comment:

  1. Excellent tutorial about analysing memory leaks!!!
